Claus Michael Sattler - Short Profile

Claus Michael Sattler is a senior executive consultant for members of corporate management, i.e. entrepreneurs as well as company boards and company managements. He is a temporary specialist (interim manager) for IT and overall responsibility for digitization and can be deployed worldwide. He specializes in:

  1. Data centers, server rooms and IT infrastructures: planning, construction, construction, reorganization, consolidation, structuring and management / operation
  2. Digitization, digital transformation, Industry 4.0, reference architecture model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Made in China 2025: project realization with agile and conservative project management methods

Mr. Sattler is also a keynote speaker (International Pharma Forum, Vienna), co-author of the books “ Digitale Transformation von Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen VII: Impulse für die Pharmaindustrie (translated: Digital Transformation of Healthcare Services VII: Impulses for the Pharmaceutical Industry“ and “ Künstliche Intelligenz im Gesundheitswesen: Entwicklungen, Beispiele und Perspektiven (translated: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Developments, Examples and Perspectives)“, author of the book „Simply think data differently! Companies‘ undiscovered gold!‘, due out in January 2023.

Claus Michael Sattler passes on / passed on his knowledge as a university lecturer at the following universities and academies:

  • As Faculty Director for the Certified Smart Manufacturing Leader (CSML) program at Clariden Global Pte Ltd / Chartered – Institute of professional Certifications, Singapore
  • As a university lecturer at the International Graduate Center (IGC) of the Bremen University of Applied Sciences (HSB), Bremen, Germany
  • As a guest lecturer at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland
  • As a guest lecturer as part of the Kellogg EMBA program at Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA, at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Vallendar near Koblenz, Germany

Meine Kontaktdaten:

Claus Michael Sattler
Postfach 1142
28833 Weyhe

Telefon: +49-4203-74090-10
Telefax: +49-4203-74090-11
Mobil: +49-174-6031377
Skype: claus.michael.sattler

E-Mail: cmsattler ätt

In den sozialen Medien:

Meine Leistungen:

  • Interim-Management / Interim-Manager
  • Keynote-Speaker
  • Hochschuldozent
  • Buchautor
  • Digitale Transformation, Industrie 4.0, RAMI 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) und Made in China 2025
  • Smart Home, Smart Office, Smart Factory, Smart City, Smart Country, Smart World
  • Statistische Methoden, Stochastische Verfahren, Big Data, KI – Künstliche Intelligenz, AI – Artificial Intelligence
  • Daten einfach anders denken!
  • Bau und Konsolidierung von Rechenzentren und IT-Strukturen
  • Netzwerk- und System-Management
  • Cloud-Storage-Systeme
  • Geschäftsprozessorientierte IT
  • Mobile Geschäftsprozesse
  • Diktieren, Spracherkennung, Text2Speech, Sprache 4.0
  • eLearning
  • Patente und Entwicklungen
  • Motorsport
  • Empfehlungsmarketing
  • Residuales Einkommen

China Consulting Partner

Dipl.-Wirtschaftssinologin Renate Sattler HKUST-Kellogg-EMBA-Programm (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

In den sozialen Medien:

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